Outfitting Your Coastal Lifestyle
Sport Fishing Package
One of America’s favorite pastimes is venturing out on the open sea and wetting a line with family and friends. Many people would love the chance to get out on the water to nab that “once in a lifetime” catch—brag about it—mount it on the wall—but where to start?
We can turn the desire for that “once in a lifetime” experience into an every weekend reality. We assist you with every aspect of your sea adventures; from helping you purchase the proper vessel to outfitting your boat with all the essential rigging. We even provide consulting services with Coast Guard Certified Captains who will help you get familiar with your particular vessel.
Whether you are an experienced angler, or a novice—we guide you through every aspect your fishing experience.

Diving Package
Have you always wanted to explore the reef underneath your mooring to see if dinner hides behind a large coral head? We have the ability to service your boat with all the essential diving equipment you’ll need. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced diver, we assist you in finding what you (and your boat) require to experience the magnificent beauty of the deep blue sea.
Please contact us for package information and pricing.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain
Areas We Serve